History of irrigation in ethiopia pdf

Overview of the ethiopian rainwater harvesting association. The impact of small scale irrigation on income of rural. In ethiopia, irrigation development is a priority for agricultural transformation. Improving small scale irrigation performance in ethiopia. Making irrigation technology more affordable in ethiopia iwmi. Jan 18, 2011 in ethiopia, some 80 percent of the population is affected. Surface water and groundwater resources of ethiopia. When it became widespread on the high plateau of the country. With a population of about 92 million, ethiopia is the second most populous country in subsaharan africa. All four east african countries examined in this study ethiopia, kenya, tanzania and uganda can be characterized as agriculturebased, that is, agriculture is the backbone of these economies.

The current estimate for 2015 is also based on this and additional information obtained from the sources indicated in section. Smallscale irrigation in the ethiopian highlands overseas. Roadmap for accelerating agricultural irrigation in ethiopia 37 3. Ethiopia irrigation market brie 1 chapter 1 overview agriculture and the economy the federal democratic republic of ethiopia is a landlocked country. A second ripple study kaur et al, 2010 assessed the effectiveness of smallscale irrigation as a climate adaptation intervention in ethiopia. Challenges and opportunities of small scale irrigation in. National wash program introduction ethiopia, with its different geological formations and climatic conditions, is endowed with considerable water resources andwetland ecosystems, 12river basins, about14majorlakes, and someman made reservoirs. History and ethnic relations emergence of the nation. Authors estimates based on historical fao data and fieldwork.

Ethiopia has a long history of traditional irrigation systems. Water resource and irrigation management, woldia university, ethiopia. The root zone functions as a reservoir and is highly dependent on plant type, soil type, soil compaction, and other factors. These soils are formed from volcanic material and, with proper management, have medium to high potential for rainfed agriculture. Chemical pesticides, regardless of their inherent hazard, are used intensively in the fast changing agricultural sector of ethiopia. The complex geological history that began millions of years ago and continues. Food deficit and famine occurrences in the country is claimed to be as a result of the erratic nature of rainfall or. The development of spate irrigation in ethiopia is driven by both public investment as well as farmers initiative. This page provides ethiopia gdp from agriculture actual values, historical data, forecast, chart. Irrigation use in ethiopia dates back several centuries, and continues to be an integral part of ethiopian agriculture.

Relative to other african countries, agricultural research in ethiopia is quite young. The problem out of 11 million hectares presently farmed, only 190, 000 hectares are under irrigation. The study found that smallscale irrigation is a potentially valuable component. While a lot of effort is exerted towards irrigation development, little attempt is done to quantify the contribution of irrigation to national income in ethiopia. Gdp from agriculture in ethiopia increased to 624 etb billion in 2018 from 600. Despite being one of the poorest countries, with a per. Ethiopia was home to some of the earliest hominid populations and possibly the region where homo erectus evolved and expanded out of africa to populate eurasia 1. According to the ethiopian growth and transformation plan gtp 201011201415, the main. Agriculture in ethiopia is the foundation of the countrys economy, accounting for half of gross domestic product gdp, 83. The area currently under spate irrigation is estimated at.

Suggestion promote low cost water harvest irrigation technologies such as construction of earth dams, river. Through the ata, they were exploring methods of improving uptake of shallow groundwater irrigation technologies across the country. Irrigation potential in ethiopia ethiopian agriculture. An historical perspective siltation of ancient dams and reservoirs is a testament to inadequate soil conservation measures that eventually reduced the productivity of the land as well as destroyed the capacity of reservoirs to provide an adequate supply of water 3. Challenges to developing irrigation in ethiopia 30 2.

Challenges and opportunities of smallscale irrigation utilization in rift valley basin, humbo woreda, ethiopia abebaw abiyu mesfin tebeje college of agriculture, wolaita sodo university, p. Importance of irrigated agriculture to the ethiopian economy. Almost all spate irrigation development in ethiopia is very recent unlike the history of spate irrigation in yemen, iran or pakistan which stretches over millennia. Improving smallscale irrigation performance in ethiopia through on the job training of extension officers. Traditional irrigation projects water through the air. Pdf challenges and opportunities of small scale irrigation. In order to identify these case study sites, criteria were developed at the initial phase of the. The special features of africa for developing and managing irrigation projects, the pre sent status and future potential of both rainfed and irrigated agriculture in 50 african countries, and the main prob.

The coffee growing landscape of ethiopia 6 is varied and complex coffee growing in ethiopia 6 coffee consumption in ethiopia 6 coffee farming systems 6 coffee producing regions and areas 8 overview of ethiopias coffee growing climate 10 africa and ethiopias climate has changed and will continue to change observed changes. Irrigation in ethiopia is considered as a basic strategy to alleviate poverty and hence food security. The government of ethiopia has identifiedsmallscale irrigation as an important component of adaptation goe, 2010. Nowadays, modernized irrigation systems are mostly used which works based on the pressurized energy system fao, 2001. Water development experience in ethiopia concerning the potential and practice of irrigation in ethiopia, there are different views by different writers. Irrigation development in ethiopia cmp cowash ethiopia.

Fra 2015 country report, ethiopia 7 the forest statistics for ethiopia reported for 2005 and 2010 are also extracted from this basic data. Irrigation is the process of applying controlled amounts of water to plants at needed intervals. It then sheds light on different factors that play an instrumental role in ethiopias development process. Figure 1 illustrates the main aim of the irrigation strategy underpinned by the core objectives of the agricultural sector. Moreover, the empirical works in this area are very scant in ethiopia in particular and in africa in general. Irrigation also has other uses in crop production, including frost protection, suppressing weed growth in grain fields and preventing soil. The most notable paleoanthropological find in the country was lucy, a female australopithicus afarensis discovered in 1974 and referred to as dinqnesh you. The types of irrigation systems most commonly found in ethiopia include river diversion, small earth dams runoff reservoir, pump irrigation systems with water from rivers, ponds, or lakes riverlift, and pump irrigation systems with groundwater groundwater lift. Further, ethiopia seems to have been one of the first countries to accept christianity. Irrigation is confined to few locations, and mostly where water is easily available and can be diverted to the farm using simple means e. Irrigation practices in ethiopia international water management.

Working paper 124 international water management institute. Nowadays, in ethiopia, irrigation plays the key role in the performance of agriculture, which increases income growth that is essential for national economic growth hussain and biltonen, 2001. Wateraid ethiopia and bahir dar university encourages fair use of this document with proper citation. Irrigation also has other uses in crop production, including frost protection, suppressing.

Challenges and opportunities of smallscale irrigation. Suggestion promote low cost water harvest irrigation technologies such. Box 8, wolaita sodo, ethiopia abstract ethiopia has abundant water resources, but its agricultural system does not yet fully benefit from the. Of course, traditional smallscale irrigation development in ethiopia has a history of antiquity. Water resources and irrigation development in ethiopia. Constitution of the federal democratic republic of ethiopia. Ethiopia s largest region, oromia regional state 28. The basic approach has shifted from topdown infrastructure solutions to communitybased. Assessment of water supply and sanitation in amhara region.

The first type is composed of euritic nitosols and andosols and is found on portions of the western and eastern highlands. Key messages the coffee growing landscape of ethiopia is varied and complex. Assessing the challenges of irrigation development in. Irrigation is the application of controlled amounts of water to plants at needed intervals. Ethiopia s agriculture is plagued by periodic drought, soil degradation 1 caused by overgrazing, deforestation, high levels of taxation and poor infrastructure making it. Aug 04, 2015 irrigation development also can help offset some of the negative effects of rapid population growth 2. Stage of development and crop natural history a waterloving crops e.

Culture of ethiopia history, people, traditions, women. Learning and communication research report, bahir dar, ethiopia. Irrigation in africa irrigation in africa has not developed to the same extent as in asia. How investment in irrigation is paying off for ethiopias. Ethiopia faces two horizons in the scaleup of its irrigation sector. This constitution is an expression of their sovereignty. Administrative zone, amhara region, ethiopia to his father kebede ayele, and his mother. Irrigation helps to grow agricultural crops, maintain landscapes, and revegetate disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of less than average rainfall. Moreover, the country is water tower of the horn of africa. The irrigation strategy seeks to support irrigation initiatives based on revitalisation of irrigation schemes, development of new irrigation schemes, as well as management and efficient use of water for irrigation purposes. Introduction the appia project is funded by the french government and implemented by iwmi.

Irrigated agriculture contributes over 30% of the gross value of the countrys crop production. This country programming framework cpf sets out three government priority areas to guide fao partnership with and support to the government of ethiopia bringing together innovative international best practices and global standards with national and regional expertise during the five year program period 2016 2020. A germanisraeli project shares knowhow and provides technical support aimed at teaching ethiopian farmers how to farm their land. Irrigation projects in ethiopia global ideas youtube. Changes in policy and drivers policypracticeperformance linkages factors contributing to success and failure emerging issues future directions 4.

Appia is a french acronym meaning improving irrigation performance in africa. Though this is doubtful, it is unquestionable that at least from the time of athanasius, patriarch of alexandria in the fourth century, ethiopia has remained staunchly christian. Irrigation and water engineering group thesis report dodota spate irrigation system ethiopia a case study of spate irrigation management and livelihood options m. Doc irrigation challenges in amhara region, ethiopia. An introduction to the economic history of ethiopia, from. Situated in the horn of africa, ethiopia is bordered by eritrea to the north, sudan to the west, kenya to the south, somalia to the east and djibouti to the northeast. The area was first identified for largescale irrigation. The historical back ground of the country ethiopia shown. Ethiopia s agriculture agriculture in ethiopia is the main form of livelihood for the majority of the population the agricultural sector greatly influences economic performance, accounting for about 46% of the national gdp, and over 84% of export commodities. Irrigations most basic function is to provide water where and when it is needed. This study is an attempt to quantify the actual and expected contribution of irrigation to the ethiopian national economy for 200506 cropping. Agricultural research started with the establishment of the ambo and jimma colleges of agriculture in 1947 and the imperial college of agriculture and mechanical arts todays alemaya university in 1953. Development factors studied in this report are historical. We conducted a crosssectional pesticide knowledge, attitude and practice kap survey among 601 farmers and farm workers applicators and reentry workers in three farming systems largescale closed greenhouses lsgh, largescale open farms lsof.

Ethiopia gdp from agriculture 19992018 data 20192020. The modern history of ethiopia shows that the country has failed to adequately feed itself. Importance of irrigated agriculture to the ethiopian. In ethiopia, modern irrigation began in the 1950s through private and governmentowned schemes in the middle awash valley where big sugar, fruit and cotton state farms are found 8. The ethiopians claim that their conversion dates from apostolic times. The impact of small scale irrigation on household food. The report summarizes a number of the past and existing irrigation projects in ethiopia. The opportunity ethiopia has a history of watershed management initiatives dating back to the 1970s. The sprinkler and drip irrigation systems are of this type of water application systems.